
Mom Guilt

I’d like to bring up a subject moms seem to struggle with…mom guilt! I think we all have, or will struggle with it! There really

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12 Weeks

12 weeks old today- and this boy still hates tummy time, though we have recently found a few tricks to keep him distracted for a

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11 weeks

Happy 11 weeks to my youngest boy! This week we have begun focusing more on “tummy time”- he really does not like it! I hope

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10 Weeks

Can you believe Owen is 10 weeks old? I can’t either! He is a sweet boy, so bright eyed, and still so tiny too! He

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9 weeks

This week has brought lots of changes for Owen. He is now holding his head up very well, though he will let it fall forward

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7 Weeks Sleepy

Seven weeks of Owen being a part of our family…wow. This week he has slept so much! I think he may be (finally!) going through

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5 weeks

It turns out I’ve gotten into the habit of taking pictures of Owen on a weekly basis. At five weeks old, he is still sleeping

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