It’s been quiet over here on the blog…life gets that way sometimes! December wrapped up with Gavin turning 11, Piper turning 3, followed by Christmas and the new year. Owen turned 7 in early January, the pandemic seems to still be going strong, and wow…what a historical, dramatic inauguration. Goodness there’s been a LOT to unpack in a short time…we survived though, didn’t we?!? I’ve been focusing on schooling kiddos, some small photography projects and sloooowly getting Christmas packed up. Oh, and I decided to pretend we are a minimalist family and purged the house of all the junk that must be causing all of life’s problems…anyone else? Not a whole lot to share otherwise, so here are some random pictures- let’s see if I can get back into this blogging thing!

Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021! | Personal - Jennifer Duke Photography Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021! | Personal - Jennifer Duke Photography Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021! | Personal - Jennifer Duke Photography Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021! | Personal - Jennifer Duke Photography Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021! | Personal - Jennifer Duke Photography


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