Something about 2020 has me searching high and low for Christmas JOY!
Yes, I’ve begun Christmas decorating and it’s not even Thanksgiving…if you don’t like it…go away with that negativity!
In all seriousness, living through a pandemic I think allows for things like early Christmas!
Keeping it extra/ridiculous, Piper got her very own tree in her room!
She is my Christmas Eve baby so did you really expect anything else?!? I’m totally in love!
The stuffed gnome, tree and ornaments came from Amazon, the rest I collected from around her room…keeping it budget-friendly!
What do you think? Piper loves it, that was the goal!

A Little Christmas Decorating | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography A Little Christmas Decorating | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography A Little Christmas Decorating | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography A Little Christmas Decorating | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke PhotographyA Little Christmas Decorating | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography A Little Christmas Decorating | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke PhotographyA Little Christmas Decorating | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography A Little Christmas Decorating | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography A Little Christmas Decorating | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography

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