Fall came through…for a few days

Last week we had a few cooler days…so I dressed Piper up and played with leaves in the driveway! While the leaves were fun to play with, Piper says “weaves smell yucky” and she recommends you not sniff them. Now on to the fun part…the pictures! I had fully intended on taking her into town to snap these but laziness got the better of me, and we stayed home instead. So glad we stayed home because these are my favorites from recent months! Happy Fall, Y’all!

Fall came through...for a few days | Personal, Piper - Jennifer Duke Photography Fall came through...for a few days | Personal, Piper - Jennifer Duke Photography Fall came through...for a few days | Personal, Piper - Jennifer Duke Photography Fall came through...for a few days | Personal, Piper - Jennifer Duke Photography Fall came through...for a few days | Personal, Piper - Jennifer Duke Photography Fall came through...for a few days | Personal, Piper - Jennifer Duke PhotographyFall came through...for a few days | Personal, Piper - Jennifer Duke PhotographyFall came through...for a few days | Personal, Piper - Jennifer Duke PhotographyFall came through...for a few days | Personal, Piper - Jennifer Duke Photography Fall came through...for a few days | Personal, Piper - Jennifer Duke Photography Fall came through...for a few days | Personal, Piper - Jennifer Duke Photography Fall came through...for a few days | Personal, Piper - Jennifer Duke Photography

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