Bottles at Bearded Lady Soap Factory

Some of you, but probably not all, know my parents live on a farm. Specifically, they raise dairy goats! The milk is really only the beginning of the soap-making process for my mom. I admire her-she’s one of the hardest working people I know! When we can, we try to time our visits at Mimi and Poppy’s around the times they will be doing evening chores, because my youngest two love “helping” and feeding the “kids” the evening bottles. Last night was no exception, but I finally snapped some pictures. If you’ve ever wondered what having a a goat farm looks like…here’s a tiny peek into that life! Photo dump in 3, 2, 1…

Bottles at Bearded Lady Soap Factory | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography Bottles at Bearded Lady Soap Factory | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography Bottles at Bearded Lady Soap Factory | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography Bottles at Bearded Lady Soap Factory | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography Bottles at Bearded Lady Soap Factory | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography Bottles at Bearded Lady Soap Factory | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography Bottles at Bearded Lady Soap Factory | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography Bottles at Bearded Lady Soap Factory | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography Bottles at Bearded Lady Soap Factory | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography Bottles at Bearded Lady Soap Factory | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography Bottles at Bearded Lady Soap Factory | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography Bottles at Bearded Lady Soap Factory | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography Bottles at Bearded Lady Soap Factory | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography Bottles at Bearded Lady Soap Factory | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography Bottles at Bearded Lady Soap Factory | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography Bottles at Bearded Lady Soap Factory | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography Bottles at Bearded Lady Soap Factory | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography Bottles at Bearded Lady Soap Factory | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography Bottles at Bearded Lady Soap Factory | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography Bottles at Bearded Lady Soap Factory | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography Bottles at Bearded Lady Soap Factory | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography Bottles at Bearded Lady Soap Factory | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography Bottles at Bearded Lady Soap Factory | Uncategorized - Jennifer Duke Photography

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